
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Contraction Surgery

     We have been learning all about contractions. The students see them frequently in their guided reading books, as well as their library books; so they were excited to become contraction experts. To make contractions more hands on, our class had contraction "surgery". I broke me class up into groups, and each group had five "patients" or sets of words they had to work on to turn them into contractions. My kids felt like real surgeons. They wore latex gloves, face masks, and used bandaids to join the two words together, just like an apostrophe does. My kids ate this up! I was expecting lots of noise, but they were so focused on their "patients" that hardly any talking took place, except when they were talking to their partners. We did have a few "patients" that did not pull through the surgery, because bandaids were placed in the wrong spot or letters were left off, but I have to say this activity was a success! I love making lessons come to life with hands on activities. It just doesn't get any better. Of course, they asked to take the masks and gloves home, and you better believe I let them. I bet I had some happy parents when their child came home and wanted to perform surgery!


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